Friday, September 29, 2006

Slow day in the learning blub of my mind.

It is amazing how much we learnt in high school that we will never use. I personally will not be using much of my math that I learnt in grade twelve and the writing skills I was taught need to change if I am going to survive college.

While In high school I wrote short yet to the point and I was always told to write more; even though there was nothing left to talk about. Just like Marc says; “In high school you wrote a lot of filler.” I learnt how to write junk and B/S which got me marks. Now I have to go back to my old writing style, short and to the point.

What I learned this week
We all use the words ‘edit’ and ‘revise’ but today I learn the actual meaning of the two. ‘Edit’ is more of sentence structure while ‘revising’ is changing the layout of ideas.

Making ideas clear and concise was shown to the class by using lists.
The reasons for using revising are:
1) Content
2) Organization
3) Paragraph and Sentence
4) Diction
5) Mechanics

I like lists because they make less work and they are easier to read.

What I already knew and what I still wonder about

We had a guest speaker today and we were told about the great counseling we could receive. This was not new to me because the same guest speaker came into another one of my classes with the same papers and talk. The same speech must get boring after a while.

I still need to learn more about the six little thingies we learnt in class today. I’ll look them up on my notes again.

How I participated
Even before class started I was approached by Dietrich and I helped him submit his persuasive document. During and after class I also helped Latif with PDF’s and getting his Persuasive document submitted.

Today was a slow day in my head.


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