Friday, November 24, 2006

All Good Things Must Come To An End

Sleep seems to be slipping out of everyone’s grasp as we make our way to the end of the semester. I thought my 5 hours of sleep was bad, but obviously 3 hours is painful. If anything, we’re learning that in the real world sleep takes the back seat, as assignments and jobs must be completed regardless.

What I learned this week/Already knew?

I too understand the meaning of stage fright and the steps required to overcome it, but personally no longer experience this stress in my life. I have come to enjoy the opportunity of speaking publicly, knowing it is a great personal teaching tool. Having been a missionary in Arizona, dedicating 2 years on overcoming my fears and learning to engage in conversation with complete strangers, I feel a great sense of confidence and excitement when speaking publicly.

I know it was difficult for many of my fellow students to get up and speak impromptu this morning, but from my experience this is when the most growth takes place. Though you might be terrified and feel completely unprepared it forces your mind to move into hyper drive and think critically in order to provide results. My advice is that no one is perfect when speaking publicly and certainly everyone experiences some form of fear whether great or small, so don’t beat yourself up if you feel you performed unsatisfactorily today.

What I still wonder about?

I’m a pretty straight forward individual with few questions, so I often do not find myself wondering, but this week I can honestly say that I wonder if I will find the time I need to prepare an A grade report. It is a real challenge completing each assignment in every class let alone to do so at an A grade level, but this is the goal and my hope is to achieve it.

How I participated this week?

JP, I hope you feel that your contribution during today’s group assignment was more than just adding your 2 cents? I found this assignment to be a great opportunity to share idea’s and experiences of the past so as to help one another be more professional speakers. Some of the key idea’s I feel are vital to being professional are:

· Eliminating umm’s, ahh’s, and other repetitive words
· Not folding your arms or placing hands in pockets
· Speaking clearly and audibly so that the audience can hear and understand
· Dressing appropriately for the circumstances
· Making good eye contact

The list could of course go on, but these are key elements that I feel will greatly improve any presentation.


You said it perfectly JP, “Only a couple more exams and a few more assignments and we will be finished our first semester. YAY.” I know we all feel this way and will appreciate the Christmas break.

With this being our last blog entry for the course I wish to express my appreciation to each member of the class, who have provided an atmosphere of learning and growth. The unique experiences shared, such as, Ry-guy jumping over the desk and JP flipping over the table, leaving an unhappy laptop would not have been possible were it not for our unique qualities. One day we will look back upon our experience here at OC thinking, where did the time go, so it is my hope that each of us will cherish these memories and not take lightly this opportunity. Good luck on all your future endeavor’s.


Hear Ye Hear Ye!


We are sliding to the finish line and our eyes must be kept on the carrot at the end of the stick.
Only a couple more exams and a few more assignments and we will be finished our first semester. YAY.

For only having 3 hours of sleep I'm happy to say I made it to class only a couple minutes late. I try to be on time every class but today I was just sooooo tired. Everyone I see feels the same as I do, tired and ready for a break.

Only 3 more weeks... everyone keep up the good work.

What I learned this week

Today in class we learnt about how to take control of our stage fright. All the topics we covered today I pretty much already learned before in highschool. What I did learn though is that you should never put your adjustable chair under the table with your laptop on it... your laptop may go for a ride when the table flips!!

What I already knew

As I said up above, many of the tips and hints to overcome stage fright I was already taught. This class was interesting though, seeing all the people go up in front of their peers and not being able to speak. Verrryyyy interesting.

How I participated

We had an inclass assignment today which I added my two cents into but I mainly helped two of my peers with program issues on their computers. One was to get a copy of Adobe Pro and the other was to get an antivirus and spy ware remover. I think they both appreciated not having to spend hundreds of dollars :)


All in all I find that highschool never really taught us much about what we will learn in college. One semester is almost over and so far so good. Just have to keep it up.

Also, If anyone wants to play a fun online FREE game go to... and download the game.

Have fun.


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Awsome week!


Like Steve I find that with everyday that goes by, we all learn something new; even if we don’t realize it yet. Class this week has been a great help for me. I had an idea of what I wanted to do for our written assignment and now I know what I have to do. I believe I did well on my Job Package and I owe that to asking questions and listening in class. Missing only one class would be a horrible thing because we learn so much about what we need to do in order to complete our assignments.

What I learned this week

Learning about the appendix and not to paraphrase was great thing this week. All my high school life I was told that paraphrasing was ok to do as long as you referenced the material. I’m glad this issue was cleared up in class too. Going over what we should have as an outline for our assignment also helps out a lot. Thank you Marc for being such an awesome person!

What I already knew

I already understood what benchmarks and KPI’s were but this class was awesome for a refresher on them. Like Steve, I also knew I’d have to take lots of notes on our upcoming assignment so that I can try to get 100% on this assignment. I have to try to make up for the mid term grade that I got and so far I seem to be doing that. Good luck to everyone.

What I still wonder about

I again agree with Steve that this class cleared up pretty much everything needed to know for the written report. And again, thank you to Marc for putting up with our class. When reviews come along I’m sure to give you an A++++++ ! ;)

How I participated

I’ve learnt that the best way to ... Learn is by asking lots of questions. So this week I decided to ask every question that came to my mind and I’m happy I did otherwise I wouldn’t know what to do for this report.


Awesome week of learning and best of luck to everyone on this next assignment.


Friday, November 17, 2006

Days To Remember


Growth and progression are among my favourite things in life. Not a day goes by where I don’t learn something new or gain a valuable experience, great or small. When the semester first began I asked myself, “will this class really make a difference, and is it pertinent to my reason for attending this college?” Now, with 3 weeks left in the semester I can honestly say that it has and is.

What I learned this week

I found this weeks material to be very resourceful and informative as we work towards another assignment due in the next 2 weeks. Learning about the purpose, criteria, and value of an appendix was extremely helpful because I’ve never completely understood what an appendix is; however I was most informed by the clear direction given on citing references. In the past I have paraphrased the writings of others not realizing this is a form of plagiarism, so I am grateful this was covered so poignantly today.

What I already knew

Having missed last week’s class I knew that I would need to pay extra attention this week in order to stay on top of my game; this meant coming to class prepared to take valuable notes with a more in depth focus on the material presented. Having done so I was able to apprehend quite clearly the expectations of the report assignment, but also recall previously taught items such as setting benchmarks and KPI’s.

What I still wonder about

Is there anything left to wonder about? I feel as though today’s material was covered so accurately as to leave little or no room for question in my mind. I give my thanks to Marc for being patient with our class and providing such pertinent teachings that will benefit us forever. These lessons we learn here and now will carry us through life and eventually mould us into the person we wish to become, so thank you once again.

How I participated

Two of my weaknesses are hesitating and not asking questions, so I’ve been focusing on trying to be more assertive and outgoing, which has been a valuable learning experience. I now find myself being less hesitant and more willing to answer or pose a question. In today’s class I made the effort to define what it means to back up a KPI, and though I may not have given the right answer, it afforded the ability to express my thoughts. On another note, I made the effort to demonstrate an example of an excel function in computers this week, even though I wasn’t 100% sure of the answer.


Overall, I feel this was another excellent week and look forward to meeting the challenges of the next, as difficult as they might be.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Turning point

What I learned this week

Class this week was very informative. Before I got to class I was still puzzled on what I was supposed to be doing for the assignments coming up after the job package. I learned more about the KPI's and the benchmarks. I also learned that to get an A on the next assignment I will need to have primary and secondary data. I will probably go to the learning center and interview someone there or I might ask my dad about the issue at hand. Over all I feel as if I have a stronger grasp on the topics we are covering in class.

What I already knew and still wonder about

Its not really what I knew or wonder about, Its more of 'I need to plan out my time to finish these assignments'. I have been trying to get as much information into my little brain as possible before starting on the assignments and now that I have a good grasp of what is to be required of me, I can go ahead and start working.

How I participated

We had group presentations today and 2 of our group members were not there. Ryan and I had to present all on our own and since we could not contact either of our group members, Ryan and I did all the work the night before while he was tipsy off wine and me being tired since it was already 1:30 in the morning. I also gave my e-mail to Latif because he is still having trouble with the PDF formats. He will send me his files and I will change them into PDF with one click and then post them onto webct for him. I know this does not help him learn how to do it, but he has tried many times with the help of others and so now he came to me for help again and this is what he wanted me to do. I will happily go ahead and help him.


I find that this week I have understood the world a bit clearer. Class is going better and I am not as stressed as before. I have not had warm milk before bed though, as some people suggested I should. I may have some Lime-ade though.. Awesome stuff.

Have a good one. :)


Saturday, November 04, 2006

Avoiding the Rat Race

As I told you in class this week JP, laziness is of the Devil and no one is completely free from its grasp. We all struggle on a daily basis to overcome what I like to call, our natural inclination to be idle and lazy, so don’t feel too bad my friend.

What I learned this week

It’s interesting that you’ve absorbed such an important lesson about sticking it to the man and not falling into what I call the rat race. Prior to attending college, my father gave me a wonderful book titled, “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” by Robert T. Kiyosaki and on the front cover it reads:
“What the Rich Teach Their Kids about Money – That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!”

The presiding principle throughout the book overall is that we must take risks and step out of our comfort zone if we are ever to succeed in life, so if you haven’t read this book I would strongly encourage you to do so.

Now as for what I took from this week’s material, much could be explained, so I’ll spare you a lengthy reading and break it down into point form.

  • Correlation between goals/benchmarks
  • Why setting benchmarks are necessary to success in business
  • Importance of self evaluation
  • Why it is vital to be positive and enthusiastically expressive about oneself
  • The value of clearly communicating ones feelings

What I still wonder about

In response to your 1st question J.P., It is only worth the pain and stress if you feel that this is the direction your life needs to be taking. In speaking with other students who are in my other classes, I’ve witnessed a lot of confusion regarding the decision to study in this program of business. We all must ask ourselves which path to take and what will provide the greatest reward, but as we know, finding that path is never easy. It is a lifelong pursuit that will teach us the ups and downs of life, and hopefully in the end we will be able to say, I gave it my all and never gave up.

Upon returning home from my mission to Arizona in July of 2005, I was confronted with the need to make a decision about my future. I questioned whether or not school was an option or if I should take up a trade. I patiently sought out an answer and did not rush into my decision to study this program here at OC, which in turn has saved me from the hassle of second guessing my decision. It may have been 6 years since I graduated from high school, but I am so glad that I waited until now to continue my education.

In response to your 2nd question, if it weren’t for these professors leaving their established career’s to teach the rising generation, who would? Let’s just be grateful that those who’ve been successful are willing to share their knowledge.

What I already knew

To me, life has always been about the experiences it provides and not so much the academic, professional, or personal achievements attained. Monetary success in life is a wonderful thing and we should all aim for it, but it is not the icing on the cake. Success can only be measured by the person we’ve become and in how we’ve treated others.

How I participated

I involve myself each week by participating in class and offering my opinion when the opportunity arises, for example; this week I was asked for help by a fellow classmate regarding the renewal of their anti-virus software and though I may not have been the complete solution, I offered my expertise to the best of my ability. There is no question in my mind that I engage myself and make myself available to those in need.


It will be nice to see this semester through and evaluate our performance, but until that time we must work hard and study more than ever. It is not enough to casually live our lives thinking we know best, when working hard and taking risks will lead us to even greater success.

Until next week,


Friday, November 03, 2006

Academics; What the hell for?

Just like a sprinter or rocket car; I need to get a jumpstart on the next few weeks that are coming up. I’ve become lazy and haven’t done much work in comparison to the amount of work I did at the start of the semester.

What I learned this week

The more I think about what I’ve learned, I come to find that I’ve learnt more about life than academics. Not only has the first semester been a waste of time, it has shown me that the people who don’t get far in life are those who continue to follow the path they took during college.

The ‘Man’ is the person we work for, the government, those who try to control us. Why do we let them control what we do? In most people’s minds being controlled gives them a sense of safety. Those people being controlled become accustomed to this false safety and never let go of ‘the man’.

Life is about taking risks in order to fulfill your goals. If you fall while trying to obtain your goals, you can pick yourself up and learn from your mistakes. Those who hold onto the ‘Man’ all their lives hardly take risks and the outcome of this is living a lower to middle class life.

I have learned that the world cares more about the piece of paper that says you’ve completed college than the actual life experience you gained while being there. This is the only reason for me to be here at college.

What I still wonder about

Professors claim they are very busy and that they do more than most students. This may be true if you compare the students who don’t want to be here to the professors who DO want to be here. Most of us have five courses to keep up with, work during the week and weekends in order to pay for college, try to go out once in awhile to have a bit of a social life, and keep our relationships going with our loved ones that we hardly EVER get to see because of college.

Now doesn’t college sound great? I know some people who are even losing their hair because of college! I personally got sick from working too hard and my cough still hasn’t left even after a month.

What I wonder about is …. IS IT WORTH THE PAIN AND STRESS? Also.. I wonder why lots of professors claim to have done so well in their past jobs and that they miss being there. THEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!??!?!

What I already knew

I didn’t know much this class and I didn’t learn much either. I am just coasting through right now and I don’t want to be but I can’t help it. I’m sorry if I’m miserable and I have issues… This is Steve’s and my blog and I’ll say whatever I want.


I’ve been helping lots of people with their technical problems, aiding those who don’t understand what we cover in class. I haven’t read the text book other than the parts I need for the assignments (which is why I did poorly on the midterm). Life for me is getting stressful as I’m sure it is for most people. I just want first semester to be over and done with so that we can all relax and let out a big long *sigh* of relief.

Peace out and good luck to all. Remember to take risks and learn from your mistakes. Screw ‘the Man’ and shove his/her controls up theirs.

JP. Letnick

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Free XBOX 360.

Ok so here is how it works. You press on this link.... and then you just follow the steps..

Have fun getting a free xbox 360.. I have a friend who recieved his in the mail... it works!
Read the terms and conditions to know what to do.

JP. Letnick

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Flu sucks the big one.

This has certainly been a crazy week. Reports are due and midterm exams are coming to an end. I still have two exams to take and my marketing group needs to start on part two of our project.

I’ve pushed myself to hard with school in the past month and a half that I’ve made myself sick. I caught the flu because my body couldn’t handle the late nights and early mornings anymore. I have to tone down the amount of work I’m putting into school if I’m going to survive.

What I learned this week

I agree totally that a class lecture is hard to sit through and that Marc makes the class interesting. I personally have not been a great writer and summary’s have never been my ‘thing’. Friday’s class helped me to understand how we would be marked on our writing which will help me write a better summary.

The exams up to date have been fairly straightforward and I am hoping this communications exam will be almost the same. I have trouble reading the text and retaining the information though so I hope most of the exam will be on notes we’ve done in class.

What I still wonder about

There isn’t much to wonder about this week. Everything that needed to be covered was and everything that we should know for the exam was talked about.

What I already knew

I already knew the main areas that would be covered by the midterm but I just have a problem sitting down and studying. I hope I get down to it so that I won’t fail the marketing and communications exams.


I agree with Steve; we are all very blessed to be living in Canada. Many people would give an arm or a leg to be here learning at a school while most of us think nothing of it.

I wanted to be in the top 10 of my grad class but I think that will no longer be a goal of mine seeing as how my body won’t hold out to allow me to be in the top 10.
I’ll just try my best and get whatever marks I get.

JP. Letnick

Friday, October 13, 2006

Our Founding Fathers

Well, it’s the end of another crazy week for me and I imagine everyone else feels the same. Thankfully it was a short week due to the great day upon which we recognize our many blessings for living in this free country. Most of all we give thanks to our forefathers who often gave their lives fighting for the freedoms we so easily enjoy now.

What I learned this week

I found today’s class to be quite involved, and really appreciate the difference this makes. Sometime’s it is difficult to sit through a lecture and stay completely focused, but I find that Marc does a superb job in keeping our attention. Before today’s class I felt that I had a pretty good understanding of how to break an article down into a brief summary, but now I feel enlightened with further information and knowledge. Overall, I feel that this class is moulding the writing and persuasive qualities that I already possess and allowing me to see things in a whole different way.

We also spent a good portion of the class preparing for the upcoming midterm by sharing possible questions and trying to stump one another. I found this to be a valuable asset, as it created a more relaxed environment, something rare when writing a test.

What I still wonder about

Having written midterms in other classes and finding that they weren’t as difficult as I had assumed they would be, I wonder if such will be the case here.

What I already knew

Each week I come to class prepared to learn something new, as we are always learning and ever will be. So, no matter how generic the material might seem at times, or how clear my understanding is on the topic of discussion I know that there is something different that I can learn.


I personally want to thank each one of my fellow students and Marc of course for providing a wonderful environment of learning. It’s not so much the school and the buildings, but the people who make the difference. Let us remember how blessed we are to be here in comparison to the terrible circumstances around the world and never forget the sacrifices of those who have gone before us.

The link is to info on the war of 1812 where Canadians/British fought the Americans, preventing the takeover of our great nation, for those of you who might be interested.