Friday, October 13, 2006

Our Founding Fathers

Well, it’s the end of another crazy week for me and I imagine everyone else feels the same. Thankfully it was a short week due to the great day upon which we recognize our many blessings for living in this free country. Most of all we give thanks to our forefathers who often gave their lives fighting for the freedoms we so easily enjoy now.

What I learned this week

I found today’s class to be quite involved, and really appreciate the difference this makes. Sometime’s it is difficult to sit through a lecture and stay completely focused, but I find that Marc does a superb job in keeping our attention. Before today’s class I felt that I had a pretty good understanding of how to break an article down into a brief summary, but now I feel enlightened with further information and knowledge. Overall, I feel that this class is moulding the writing and persuasive qualities that I already possess and allowing me to see things in a whole different way.

We also spent a good portion of the class preparing for the upcoming midterm by sharing possible questions and trying to stump one another. I found this to be a valuable asset, as it created a more relaxed environment, something rare when writing a test.

What I still wonder about

Having written midterms in other classes and finding that they weren’t as difficult as I had assumed they would be, I wonder if such will be the case here.

What I already knew

Each week I come to class prepared to learn something new, as we are always learning and ever will be. So, no matter how generic the material might seem at times, or how clear my understanding is on the topic of discussion I know that there is something different that I can learn.


I personally want to thank each one of my fellow students and Marc of course for providing a wonderful environment of learning. It’s not so much the school and the buildings, but the people who make the difference. Let us remember how blessed we are to be here in comparison to the terrible circumstances around the world and never forget the sacrifices of those who have gone before us.

The link is to info on the war of 1812 where Canadians/British fought the Americans, preventing the takeover of our great nation, for those of you who might be interested.


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